粵語堂本地福音事工 CSC Local Outreach Ministry

本地福音事工6 名組員 

Coordinator 組長:

  • Maggie Wong 黃美姬

Members 組員:

  • Pauline Pang 彭寶莉

  • Korina To 杜麗荷

  • Roger Ng 吳基恩

Ministry Description 事工簡介


推動、 裝備並協助弟兄姊妹在本地實踐基督的大使命:傳福音。與各團 契及事工組合作,成為福音伙伴。與本地的福音機構及團體合作,成為 福音伙伴。

事奉崗位 (6)


  • 安排福音性及預工性聚會,喚起會眾對傳福音的重視,鼓勵團契參與。支援及協助團契舉辦福音性或預工性聚會。


  • 對內: 成立資源中心,收集、推動及提供福音書籍、小冊子、單張、錄音帶、錄影帶、光碟等。

  • 對外: 與本地的福音機構及團體合作,成為福音伙伴,給予經濟支持, 鼓勵弟兄姊妹參與。


  • 統籌佈道訓練、栽培課程、訓練弟兄姊妹用各種方法與人分享信仰;在生活中見証基督。


  • 組織福音探訪隊、鼓勵弟兄姊妹以三福訓練所學習的方法實踐友誼報道

2022 Ministry Report 事工報告

  1. The goals of the ministry group for the Year 2022
    The 2022 mission of the CSC LOM is to seek new and improved ways of connecting our CHURCH, a community of Faith, to our local communities through personal witnessing and the Word of God, leading to Godly relationships and changing lives.

  2. The highlights of the activities for achieving the goals
    It was and will be an eventful year for CSC LOM from 2022 to 2023.
    We are humble but unsurprised by how God has blessed us in His works during this transition year.

    • g-Station

    • Updated CSC LOM webpage. In-house Evangelical Training sessions: Knowing Yourself and Knowing Others.

    • Two Gospel Sundays were associated with Gospel partnerships: SOBEM and JnX.

    • Christmas Gift Boxes 2022
      At the beginning of 2022, in response to the Canada Registration, a permanent residence pathway granted for Hong Kong residents, CSC LOM has initiated a ministry program, g-Station, launched to care for and reach out to the Church flocks migrating from Hong Kong with the reassemble of Love in Jesus.
      We started by hosting a Seminar with leading ministers from our neighboring Churches as special speakers shared their insights and experience while practicing the act of God’s love for this unique group. In addition, we welcomed the newcomers by offering them rides from the airport, channeling them to church communities, and providing workshops associated with their settlements. As a result, most of them have adopted NYCBC as their Church for spiritual worshipping.
      We updated the CSC LOM information webpage to promptly and effectively meet the needs.
      An In-house Evangelical Training session consisting of two parts, aimed at our community's relational and cultural building, “Knowing Yourself and Knowing Others,” has assimilated much interest and confidence in reaching non-believers with the gospel.
      We hosted two gospel Sundays associated with gospel partners, SOBEM and JnX, and numerous attendees have accepted the Salvation of Christ.
      In December 2022, CSC LOM initiated the Christmas Gift Boxes campaign with NYCBC Thanksgiving Fund, a coalition of compassion and care for the needy neighborhood community in Winter.
      We thank God brothers and sisters were actively involved in this collaboration across congregations and inspiring each other in the joyous season with the Love of the New Born King.

  3. The results and some forward looking sharing
    As we anticipate further following the Great Commission in the Scripture, reaching out to our neighborhood community with the Gospel’s Good News, not discriminating in languages, settings, and or limited to methodology;
    and effectively cultivating church believers into dedicated followers of Jesus Christ to serve the needy, a two-folded gospel platform: Evangelism and Discipleship, is set, and several events are implemented.

  • The Evangelism Exploration and Communication Seminar Feb 2023

  • Street Evangelism at North York April 2023

  • The Evangelical training session: Alpha Course Fall 2023

    Firstly, we are providing a variety of training sessions and activities to follow up with all opportunities to serve, including seminars to understand different needs across the community and the Alpha course, a series of talks and discussions to introduce the basics of the Christian Faith.
    Secondly, we engage with various neighborhoods’ faith-based charity organizations and seek more opportunities to help the needy.
    Thirdly, we connect a few local gospel partners and invite followers to involve in their works as volunteers to enrich the Kingdom of God.
    Last but not least, we will continue to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit, striving to bring love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus Christ to the neighbors Near and Far.

Expense Summary 支出摘要

2022 Actual
2022 Budget
% Underspending
$14,474 $22,400 $7,926 35%