NYCBC has subscribed to a wealth of video resources available online from It includes hundreds of Logos mobile education course videos. To help church members to benefit from these resources SDM will be recommending selected programs periodically. Please register if you would like to access these resources.
教會已訂閱 提供的 大量在線視頻資源。它包括數百 個 Logos 移動教育課程視頻。 為了幫助教會成員從這些資源中受益,僕人建立事工將推薦一些特選 的視頻資源。 如果您想使用 在線視頻資源,請在此註冊。
Please click on the link for more details: SDM - FaithLife & Logos Videos 2022 May (English)
請點擊這鏈接了解更多詳情:SDM - FaithLife & Logos Videos 2022 May (中文)
You can also download a free English version of Logos Bible Software (Logos 9 Basic) using the following link, which includes many high-quality resources for Bible study and a search function to look for specific course contents from the entire Logos Mobile Ed video library:
你亦可以從以下的鏈結下載一個免費的英文 Logos Bible Software 版本 (Logos 9 Basic),當中包括很多高質素的查經資源和一個能從 Logos Mobile Ed 視頻庫中尋找特定課程內容的搜尋功能: