Summary of Updates

Our aims of the below guidance are to:

  • Engage in dialogue, striving to maintain unity in the church

  • Welcome and protect the medically vulnerable population in our congregations

  • Minimize disruption to ministry


  • Persons getting baptized will RAT test morning of baptism.

  • Pastor stays masked throughout.

  • Person getting baptized stays masked until s/he has changed into baptismal gown and getting ready to enter baptistery area. They will bring towel with them and put it at designated spot for towel on the ledge of the baptistery close to where s/he will be standing.

  • We ask persons getting baptized to try not to exhale or swallow water for the brief time of immersion, and to avoid wiping their face with hands or spitting when coming out of immersion, but instead use their own towel located close to them to dry face.

  • S/he reapplies mask in change room area.

  • If s/he has concerns about sharing baptistery water with others, then that person can go first or second in order of Baptismal Service.

Eating and drinking: Removing masks for eating and drinking can be permitted indoors inside church premises, with the following guiding principles: 

  • Remove masks for only duration of food/drink consumption, trying to be as brief as possible;  Re-apply masks once eating/drinking is completed.

  • Limit the number of people one interacts with while unmasked.

  • If seated, have up to 6 people per table, but space tables as far apart as the space can accommodate, at minimum of 2 meters apart. 

  • Maximize use of outdoor spaces such as terrace (weather-permitting) or Basement covered outdoor parking level (if on weekends or after-hours).as much as possible for better ventilation.

  • Pre-packaged foods / individual lunch boxes with individual utensils are still better and more hygienic than shared foods.  If it is a buffet style, have designated people behind food trays serving, and everyone lining up for food or serving should be masked. 

  • Have hand sanitizers readily available at strategic locations.

Disinfection: COVID is thought to be mostly transmitted through respiratory droplets, not contact. Therefore we will recommend relaxation of disinfection requirements as follows:

  • Custodial staff should spray and wipe pews with Bioesque every 2-4 weeks

  • If we know a person attended church while symptomatic or contagious with COVID, the area they sat at should be disinfected within 24 hours.

  • Discontinue disinfection in between worship services.

  • Ensure easy access to hand washing and hand sanitizers.

  • High touch surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected by custodial staff according to their regular schedule

Capacity limits: We will no longer have capacity limits.

  • Signs stating capacity limits can be removed

  • Ribbons blocking off pews can be removed. Save the ribbons in case we need them again. Keep the pew next to air intake vents blocked off.

  • Keep physical distance signs on for now

  • Try to use the largest room with respect to the group size


  • Microphones can be shared, but we encourage good hand hygiene between use

  • There is no maximum number of singers. If there is not enough plexiglass, additional singers should be masked.

  • Unmasked singers should be separated by 2 meters.

  • No need to use separate sides of stage for different congregations

Health and Safety Guidelines for In-Person Attendance

Detailed Protocol

1. Face Masks/Coverings:

  • We would like our church to be a welcoming place for everyone, including those with health conditions. Therefore, we would ask everyone to keep masks on when inside church premises. This will be re-evaluated periodically.

2. Self screening for symptoms or exposures:

  • We will stop pre-registration for in-person events including Sunday worship and fellowships. However, we ask everyone to screen themselves before coming to in-person events. This includes both symptoms you might have, as well as your household and close contacts. The screening questions will remain on the church website, and at the bottom of this document for your reference.

3. COVID-19 Vaccination:

  • While COVID19 vaccination is not mandatory to attend NYCBC worship and related activities, everyone is strongly encouraged to get fully vaccinated and boosted to minimize the risk of being infected with COVID19, developing severe COVID19 illness, or passing COVID19 on to other people. It also helps protect people who are elderly, have weak immune systems and those that cannot be vaccinated, such as infants and young children. Vaccination will also help increase the comfort level of congregation members to more safely return to in-person activities.

4. Adhere to Entry and Departure Times:

  • ESC Worship Service 9:15 am - 10:45 am at 685 sanctuary.

  • After service, attendees may greet one another, up to the current indoor/outdoor social gathering limit per public health authorities.

  • CSC Worship Service 11:15 am - 12:45 pm at 685 sanctuary. CSC attendees should not arrive at the sanctuary until 11:00 am to give ESC time to leave the sanctuary

  • MSC Worship Service 11:15 am - 12:45 pm at 675 sanctuary.

5. While You are Here - Physical Distancing and Infection Control Measures:

  • As much as possible, try to maintain a physical distance of 2 meters with others outside your household while in the church building.

  • There are no more social gathering limits, so thankfully, we no longer need to break up conversations and fellowship after worship service. However, we should try to avoid overcrowding.

  • Please bring your own Bible, pen, and notebook, as objects such as pew Bibles, pens, hymn books, and bulletins will be removed.

  • Please do not share personal items such as Bibles between members that do not belong to your household.

  • Singing and reading scripture aloud is encouraged behind masks

  • Speakers & singers will wear a mask at all times unless behind a plexiglass barrier.

  • Microphones can be shared

  • There will be no passing of the offering bag. Please continue to give your offering by pre-authorized debit, e-transfer, mail, or use the secure offering dropbox as you exit the sanctuary.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the main entrance and at high traffic locations.

  • Disinfection: COVID is thought to be mostly transmitted through respiratory droplets, not contact. Therefore we will recommend relaxation of disinfection requirements as follows:

    • Custodial staff should spray and wipe pews with Bioesque every 2-4 weeks

    • If we know a person attended church while symptomatic or contagious with COVID, the area they sat at should be disinfected within 24 hours.

    • Discontinue disinfection in between worship services.

    • Ensure easy access to hand washing and hand sanitizers.

    • High touch surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected by custodial staff according to their regular schedule

  • Capacity limits: We will no longer have capacity limits.

    • Signs stating capacity limits can be removed

    • Ribbons blocking off pews can be removed. Save the ribbons in case we need them again. Keep the pew next to air intake vents blocked off.

    • Keep physical distance signs on for now

    • Try to use the largest room with respect to the group size

6. Worship Team Guidelines:

  • Worship leaders/speakers/preachers/chairpersons may unmask behind a plexiglass barrier during worship service while they are speaking.

  • Rapid antigen testing is no longer required, but please use as needed if there is a possible exposure.

  • Pianists should wash/disinfect their hands before and after playing piano. Hand sanitizer should be placed at the piano. We would AVOID applying disinfection products to the piano so that the keys are not damaged.

  • Microphones can be shared, but we encourage good hand hygiene between use

  • There is no maximum number of singers. If there is not enough plexiglass, additional singers should be masked.

  • Unmasked singers should be separated by 2 meters.

  • No need to use separate sides of stage for different congregations.

7. Ventilation and HVAC Systems:

  • During worship service, the side door and 3 back doors will be kept open to maximize ventilation

  • Pew seating in front of air vents has been blocked off.

  • HVAC system has been adjusted to maximize outdoor air ratio.

  • The relative humidity will be maintained at 40-60%, which appears to decrease the spread of respiratory infections.

8. Baptism:

  • Persons getting baptized will RAT test morning of baptism.

  • Pastor stays masked throughout.

  • Person getting baptized stays masked until s/he has changed into baptismal gown and getting ready to enter baptistery area. They will bring towel with them and put it at designated spot for towel on the ledge of the baptistery close to where s/he will be standing.

  • We ask persons getting baptized to try not to exhale or swallow water for the brief time of immersion, and to avoid wiping their face with hands or spitting when coming out of immersion, but instead use their own towel located close to them to dry face.

  • S/he reapplies mask in change room area.

  • If s/he has concerns about sharing baptistery water with others, then that person can go first or second in order of Baptismal Service.

9. Room Bookings:

Plan events to avoid overcrowding.

Capacity limits: We will no longer have formal capacity limits.

  • Signs stating capacity limits can be removed

  • Keep physical distance signs on for now

  • Try to use the largest room with respect to the group size to maximize physical distancing

Use of outdoor church premises should be prioritized.

  • Whenever possible, we should encourage use of outdoor terraces / space, such as the terrace behind the nursery, 675 parking lot (when it is outside of tenants’ hours of use), or terrace outside 3rd Floor Clubhouse, due to improved ventilation.  If a group is unsure due to weather, consider an alternative indoor space to be offered to the group which can be confirmed and booked once the weather forecast is known.

Eating and drinking:

Removing masks for eating and drinking can be permitted indoors inside church premises, with the following guiding principles: 

  • Remove masks for only duration of food/drink consumption, trying to be as brief as possible;  Re-apply masks once eating/drinking is completed.

  • Limit the number of people one interacts with while unmasked.

  • If seated, have up to 6 people per table, but space tables as far apart as the space can accommodate, at minimum of 2 meters apart. 

  • Maximize use of outdoor spaces such as terrace (weather-permitting) or Basement covered outdoor parking level (if on weekends or after-hours).as much as possible for better ventilation.

  • Pre-packaged foods / individual lunch boxes with individual utensils are still better and more hygienic than shared foods.  If it is a buffet style, have designated people behind food trays serving, and everyone lining up for food or serving should be masked. 

  • Have hand sanitizers readily available at strategic locations.

Sports and recreation:

  • Indoors: We recommend that recreational activities resume, with masks on whenever activities are done indoors.

  • Outdoors: Close contact sports such as basketball, soccer, floor hockey, can be resumed outdoors.


  • Similar to in person worship, encourage attendees to screen themselves for COVID-like symptoms or potential exposures, and not come if they do not meet screening criteria.

  • Pre-registration is no longer required.

10. Nursery Use Guidelines:

Worship service will be televised in the nursery rooms.

 Use of Masks:

  • Children between 2 years old and Grade 1 are encouraged to wear a mask covering nose, mouth, and chin while indoors.  Adult caregivers must wear a mask covering nose, mouth, and chin indoors.

Other Health & Safety Measures:

  • Post posters in rooms to increase awareness about health and safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as Physical Distancing; Protect Yourself; Wash your Hands; Cover your Cough.

  • Remove all soft plush toys which cannot be cleaned / disinfected easily, as well as any small toys which can be mouthed and passed/shared.

  • No sharing of personal toys or personal items.

  • Practise proper hand hygiene by encouraging children to wash hands or use hand sanitizer.

  • Use only one room per congregation, i.e., one of rooms will be strictly for ESC cohort, and the other room will be for CSC cohort in 685.  MSC can use main level office space or basement if needed.

11. Sunday School:

  • Schedule: 

    • CSC sunday school ~9:30 – ~10:45..

    • ESC Sunday school 11:30 – 12:30. Should not arrive in the gym until after CSC has left, in order to avoid overcrowding.

    • MSC Sunday School may schedule as they see fit.

  • Room Choice:

    • 685 Gym for CSC/ESC.

    • MSC Sunday School: 675 basement or gym.

    • Youth Ministry Sunday School may use rooms on the 3rd floor

12. High Risk Groups:

Individuals in the following “vulnerable or higher risk” categories may want to exercise extra caution when coming to inperson worship. Getting fully vaccinated for COVID19 if you are able, masking, and physical distancing are steps you can take to reduce your risks. We are still requiring everyone to wear masks while indoors on church premises at this time. Please discuss with your healthcare provider for individualized advice for your situation.

High risk groups might include: :

  • Someone whose immune system is compromised (e.g. transplant recipient, active malignancy or autoimmune disease on immune-suppressing medication)

  • Someone with a severe chronic health condition (e.g. lung disease, heart disease)

  • Someone going to a hospital or health care setting for treatment (e.g. dialysis, cancer, surgery)

13. Mitigation Strategies In Case of Outbreak

If an outbreak is identified amongst our church community:

  • If the cluster is in an identifiable group, then everyone in that group should carefully consider the screening criteria and refrain from attending in person activities both in the church and outside the church if they fail the screening criteria.

  • Anyone who is symptomatic should get tested for COVID.

  • We encourage transparency with all congregations in reporting outbreaks and highlighting actions taken to mitigate risk in order to maintain trust.

In case of unintentional COVID exposure at church:

Contagious While At Church Function?
(Within 48 hours of symptom onset)
Were There Non-Same-Household
Close Contacts?
Risk to Church Recommendation to Announce
Likely Yes High Yes
Likely No Low-Moderate Yes
Unlikely No Low No

Announcement Content:
There was a recent positive case(s) of COVID identified in our church community, when the individual was likely pre-symptomatic but contagious during XX event on XX date. Since COVID protocols were observed, the risk is low but we still encourage everyone to remain vigilant and get tested if symptomatic. Please continue to pray for the healing and recovery of the affected individual(s).