憑歌會友班導師 - 郭艷華
Sing Along Class Instructor - Stella Kwok
September 2019
Back in 2016, I was invited to be the instructor of the "Sing Along" class for the North York (Chinese) Baptist Community Services. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to serve and also to practice singing with my classmates. I am very grateful that God has given me the gift of singing, which I really enjoy. I learned singing at an early age and also had a lot of stage experiences. I had the opportunity to learn about Cantonese operas and Cantonese, Mandarin, and Western pop songs, and I have been in the church choir for many years. God has chosen me to be His humble servant. I am convinced that as long as I work hard, God will give me strength and skills to continue to serve Him.
I am very happy to be a mentor to the "Sing Along" class. The students are very friendly and polite. Every student in the class learns with humility. They are very lively and cheerful when attending classes and always have a lovely smile on their face. Over time, we have all became good friends. They have brought me a lot of joy! Looking at their day-to-day progress, I am really thankful.