Thank you for all your support and interest in our VBS and CIT 2022! By God's grace, we have reached our registration capacity for both programs but the waitlist is open in case of any last minute cancellations.
Please reach out to if you have any questions about your registration or about our program.
VBS/ CIT Health and Safety Requirements
All campers and staff must meet the Health & Safety pre-screening daily prior to sign-in (will be available on the NYCBC Website before camp starts). Entry will not be granted if screening is not completed.
All campers, staff and visitors (including parent drop-off) must comply with NYCBC mask mandates.
Special Arrangements for COVID-19
VBS camp size will be limited to 32 participants for Session 1 in July and 32 participants for Session 2 in August.
Daily health and safety pre-screenings and mask requirements as per Ontario and NYCBC guidelines.
Lunch and snacks will take place either on the terrace (as weather permits) or safely distanced in the gym with appropriate guidelines for eating.
Classroom and common area cleaning and disinfection procedures as per NYCBC guidelines.
Note: These guidelines will be subject to changes as NYCBC and Ontario Health release new updates. We will be notifying you of the changes as things progress. Please check the website for new details and email us for any questions.
Family and Children Ministry Contact